February 26, 2021
Even My Chaos Can Be Organized
Life is a little crazy right now….alright a lot crazy right now and anything that helps calm the chaos in my life right now is greatly appreciated. I can’t be the only one feeling a little out of sorts right now. I have heard from a few of my BFH Seniors and I know that some of them are feeling tired and stressed. They miss the old way of connecting with their friends with actual physical contact. I miss physical contact!!! It feels like it’s been a thousand years since I’ve actually hugged my own mom and kids.
One thing that helps me maintain some sort of sanity is organization. I love organization tools and programs and these tools and programs support me in organizing some of the chaos swirling around in my brain. The newest tool in my organizational arsenal is Dubsado. I know what you’re thinking, what is Dubsado? Dubsado is a business management solution designed to cut out the busywork. Build relationships, schedule appointments, and create workflows to streamline projects from start to finish. I admit, I’m still learning all the things that Dubsado can do for me and I know I still haven’t discovered all of its amazing features yet. But having everything in one place, with ONE login has been a lifesaver!
I love it! It does everything for me and it’s all in one place. Contracts, scheduling, invoicing, client management, accounting and reporting all on one platform. I absolutely love it. With my virtual world slowly transitioning to a more socially distant in person world, Dubsado will make the business side of my photography business ready to welcome more BFH Seniors and clients without missing a beat. My fellow photography friends and +1s (that’s what I call the parents of my BFH Seniors), you have to check out Dubsado to support you in organizing your world. My BFH Seniors, I know how entrepreneurial some of you are and Dubsado will work to support organizing the business side of things for you too. Whatever you decide to do, know that your BFH family supports you.
Intentionality is my word for 2021. Every action I am taking in 2021 is being done with intention because this is the year that I am going to grow stronger and better and Blue Fire Hydrant Photography is also going to grow stronger and better. I am very careful as to where I choose to spend my time and energy and I’ve chosen Dubsado as my organizational tool to grow Blue Fire Hydrant Photography. I invite you to do the same. Check out Dubsado at this link.